“Don’t talk, just act.
Don’t say, just show.
Don’t promise, just prove.”
– Hiroko Tsuchimoto
Our work
We love what we do and are proud of our impact – but client case studies will always showcase it better than we can. You can take a look through some of our recent featured projects right here.
We work with a variety of clients in B2B sectors, local government and community focussed initiatives. Organisations that understand the challenges or limitations they have (be it time, resource or expertise) come to Keystone to achieve greater results from their marketing and engagement activity.
No two projects are the same, but the impact we make flows through each of them. Below we share just some of the ways the Keystone approach has made a difference.
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The power of surprise and delight – Renovating the Classics
How do you take an industry often (unfairly!) regarded as dull, and show that it’s actually full of creativity?
Co-designing a unique brand identity for the new Merton Family Hub
Curating a brand identity that would work across multiple services and locations, be unique to Merton, and engage diverse users and service providers
Business & Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC) Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
How we inspired local entrepreneurs to apply for a share of £75k and Jumpstart their business!
Godmanchester Mill Steps
Leading the community and diverse stakeholder groups through this important environmental regeneration project
Boosting the Huntingdonshire Visitor Economy
An engaging community campaign to encourage local residents and visitors to spend time in Huntingdonshire
Building a collective vision for Wisbech through a workshop approach
Bringing multiple, disparate stakeholders together to discuss their differing perspectives towards a project is a powerful way to start building a collective vision for the future.
Compassionate campaigns boost post lockdown support for town centre businesses and increase local consumer confidence
Compassionate campaigns boost post lockdown support for town centre businesses and increase local consumer confidence With the advent of Covid in 2020 across the UK, Councils needed to pivot fast to support the areas they represent.
Hitting performance-based targets on pan-European EU funded enterprise support programmes
Hitting performance-based targets on pan-European EU funded enterprise support programmes The European Union has awarded significant levels of funding to UK business support practitioners in recent years.
Helping an ambitious Parish Council engage with local residents and understand desires for their much loved village
Giving local people a voice and involving them in the decisions that affect them and their community is at the heart of our work with local Councils.
The Keystone Marketing Team worked with us to develop a social media campaign to raise the profile of the successes of an EU funding programme we had been running. They supported us to scope out our requirements, understand our key audiences and consider the overall impact we wished to achieve.
I was very impressed at how quickly Keystone got to grips with a complex project, helping us devise key marketing messages and content for social media posts.
The level of engagement on-line has been far greater than we ever expected and through this work, we have achieved our desired outcome of creating local and national awareness to our programme’s successes.
We would not have been able to achieve this impact without Keystone’s professional support, knowledge and expertise.